
Each project represents a unique challenge and an opportunity, an extra step towards expanding my competences. See what I've accomplished and where I'm heading!

Requirements Analysis

This project involved a comprehensive analysis for a client's requirements.

In a team of 6 individuals, we employed various techniques to uncover and effectively communicate about requirements for the proposed software system.

The client had limited technical knowledge, so we focused on using non-technical language and visual aids to convey complex concepts and ensure mutual understanding.

We utilized UML diagrams, use cases, and user stories to capture the client's requirements and ensure that the software system would meet their needs.

Requirements Analysis

My role was to support client interaction by gathering notes, crafting presentations, and ensured alignment between expectations and deliverables.

I also helped with designing the database structure (ERD) and application prototypes to effectively communicate project progress and functionality.

Requirements Analysis presentation demo

Linux Webservices

Leveraging Kubeadm, I orchestrated the setup of Kubernetes clusters. This enabled seamless deployment, load balancing and management of the containerized application stack.

The journey did not end there. I automated the creation and configuration of server environments and Kubernetes clusters, as well as deployed the application, all with a single script using Vagrant.

After launching the app, Prometheus kept a watchful eye on its health, tracking performance and catching any potential hiccups before they cause problems.

Terminal showing output of kubectl

Explore my findings: Download report

Project Laravel

Building upon the groundwork laid out for the previous project, this Laravel application involved further refining the software system to meet evolving client needs.

As part of a 6-person team, I played a multifaceted role, focusing on both the user interface/user experience (UI/UX) and email functionality.

Leveraging the established client understanding from the prior project, I collaborated closely with the team to champion user-friendly design decisions.

This included selecting an appropriate color palette and font stack, while also laying the foundation for reusable components.

WTC Roland project home page

In parallel, I delved into the email functionality of the Laravel framework. By leveraging Laravel's robust email capabilities, I ensured seamless and secure email communication within the application.

I implemented features like templated emails and automated triggers to streamline communication workflows within the application.

WTC Roland mail management page

Self-Hosting Homelab

A few years ago, I dived headfirst into the world of homelabs and self-hosting open-source software.

Now, my humble setup boasts a collection of Raspberry Pis, ESP32s, a Dell PowerEdge R420 server, and even a trusty old PC – all working together to power my digital domain.

Leveraging the power of Proxmox for virtualization, I've built a robust ecosystem of self-hosted applications.

Pi-Hole keeps my network ad-free, Jellyfin streams my media collection seamlessly, Home Assistant automates my smart home, and Uptime Kuma ensures everything runs smoothly. This very website you're browsing? Self-hosted as well!

WTC Roland project home page

My homelab journey is a continuous process of exploration and learning. It's a playground for tinkering with technology, customizing my digital experience, and achieving a level of control and privacy that commercially hosted services just can't offer.

I'm always on the lookout for new applications to self-host, new hardware to experiment with, and new ways to optimize my setup.

WTC Roland mail management page

